An article in Nation’s Restaurant News reports on the efforts by food service operators in gain insurance coverage of business interruption claims due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

According to a leading insurance industry publication, a Minnesota dentist, an Ohio bridal shop and a New York pizzeria are among six small businesses seeking insurance coverage of their COVID-19 business interruption claims, showcasing the wide variety of affected companies. Read more

In an article describing the “broadest effort yet” to force insurers to pay up on business interruption policies, Commercial Risk Magazine spoke with Burn Bowen Bair partner Tim Burns about the objectives of the group of law firms coordinating the initiative. Read more

Citing the orders issued by civil authorities in Florida which mandated the suspension of businesses for on-site services during COVID-19 pandemic, the owners of a group of pizzerias have filed a class action lawsuit claiming that its insurer has failed to pay for business loss claims that the restaurants suffered. Read more

Burns Bowen Bair LLP is among the law firms representing businesses that suing insurers that have denied their COVID-19 business interruption claims despite holding policies that either include business income coverage or do not expressly exclude losses caused by viral infections such as COVID-19. Read more